Association of IL-18 gene polymorphisms with clinical aspects of hyperlipidemia in middle-aged and early people in the community (2024)

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  • Int J Med Sci
  • v.21(6); 2024
  • PMC11103393

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Association of IL-18 gene polymorphisms with clinical aspects of hyperlipidemia in middle-aged and early people in the community (1)

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Int J Med Sci. 2024; 21(6): 1064–1071.

Published online 2024 Apr 22. doi:10.7150/ijms.90341

PMCID: PMC11103393

PMID: 38774744

Po-Chun Chen,1,2,3 Wei-Hung Chen,4 Li-Ming Lien,5,6 Chia-Chi Chou,7,8,9 Chia-Chia Chao,10 and Chyi-Huey Bai11,12,

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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement


Hyperlipidemia is notorious for causing coronary artery disease (CAD). IL-18 is a proinflammtory cytokine that contributes to the pathogenesis of CAD. Previous reports have revealed that genetic polymorphism of IL-18 is associated with its expression level as well as the susceptibility to CAD. In the present study, we aim to investigate the relationship between IL-18 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and hyperlipidemia in the Han Chinese population in Taiwan. A total of 580 participants older than 30 were recruited from the community. We collected the demographics, self-reported disease histories, and lifestyles. We also assessed the levels of lipid profiles including total cholesterol (CHOL), triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Two SNPs, rs3882891C/A (intron 5) and rs1946518A/C (promoter -607) of IL-18 were elucidated by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. Our results revealed that rs3882891 AA was associated with lower risk of hypercholesterolemia, higher CHOL and LDL-C in subjects (p=0.003, p=0.000 and p=0.005 separately), and rs1946518 CC was associated with hypercholesterolemia, higher CHOL and LDL-C as well (p=0.021, p=0.003 and p=0.001 separately)

Furthermore, both SNPs were associated with IL-18 expression level, which was examined by Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Portal (p=0.042 and 0.016 separately). Finally, the haplotype of IL-18 was subsequently arranged in the order of rs3882891 and rs1946518. The result revealed that the AC haplotype of 2 IL-18 SNPs was also associated with lower risk of hypercholesterolemia, lower levels of CHOL and LDL-C (p=0.01, p=0.001 and 0.003). The current study is the first to report the association between IL-18 SNPs and hyperlipidemia in the Chinese Han population.


Dyslipidemia is notorious for elevated levels of blood cholesterol (CHOL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), or triglyceride (TG), while the decreased level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) 1. Dyslipidemia is one of the major risk factors related to coronary artery disease (CAD) 2, regarding to activate inflammatory responses caused by oxidation of LDL-C and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) 3, 4. Genetic factor such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is reported to have critical roles in dyslipidemia 5.

The pathogenic mechanisms of CAD include endothelium dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, and inflammation 6. With regard to the pivotal role of inflammation in hyperlipidemia-related CAD 7, 8, investigation of the association between SNPs of inflammatory genes and hyperlipidemia is urgent.

The interleukin-18 (IL-18) was first characterized as an interferon-γ-inducing cytokine, with pleiotropic proinflammatory activities which maintain immune responses 9. Previous study shows that deletion of IL-18 develops dyslipidemia in mice 10. Moreover, elevated expression of IL-18 is associated with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, as well as the formation of atherosclerotic plaques 11-14, the development and pathogenesis of CAD 15, 16.

The genetic association of IL-18 and its effect on the progression of CAD has been investigated previously. Several studies have discussed the role of genetic polymorphisms on the IL-18 expression level, which contributes to the prognosis of CAD 17-20. Furthermore, rs1946518 polymorphism which located on IL-18 promoter region is associated with expression regulation 20. Previous report showed that rs3882891 polymorphism is associated with an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction 21. However, the association between these two IL-18 genetic polymorphism and dyslipidemia, which is the major cause of CAD, is rarely defined. Therefore, we evaluated two IL-18 SNPs (rs3882891C/A; NC_000011.10:112144037:C:A and rs1946518A/C; NC_000011.10:112164734:A:C) as candidate biomarkers for susceptibility to dyslipidemia. Our finding here reveals an obvious association between alternative alleles of rs3882891 and rs1946518 polymorphisms, and lower risk of hypercholesterolemia, lower circulating CHOL and LDL-C levels.

Materials and Methods


The current study was a community-based prospective cohort study aimed to investigate individuals' the cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular risk factors. The method of enrolled participant collection and the exclusion criteria were provided elsewhere 22. All participants lived in Wen Shan and Shi Lin districts near Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital and Wan Fang Hospital. Only Chinese Han were included in this study. Exclusion criteria were listed: age ≤ 30, incomplete questionnaire, prior history of cancer or chronic kidney disease, refusal to blood collection or duplex ultrasound measured. Finally, 580 participants were included. All subjects signed a consent form to the original study; no names were published in the results. The study protocol received approval from the institutional ethics committee, and the investigations were conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki for experiments involving humans. (IRB number: 96E086).

Data collection

Well-trained nurses interviewed all subjects using a structured questionnaire. Subjects' blood was collected after at least 8 hours of fasting. The samples were centrifuged for 15 minutes at 3000 g, separated into plasma, serum, and buffy coat tubes, and stored at 80°C. Technologists assessed CHOL, TG, LDL-C, and HDL-C levels in a standardized laboratory. Hypercholesterolemia is CHOL>250mg/dL or LDL-C>160mg/dL. Hypertriglyceridemia is defined as the level of TG>200mg/dL. Higher CHOL, TG, and LDL-C are defined separately as >200mg/dL, >150mg/dL, and >130mg/dL. Lower HDL-C is defined as <40mg/dL.


The genomic DNA was purified from the buffy coat by using the salting-out method as described in the previous study 23. Genomic DNA was extracted from the buffy coat using the EasyPure® Genomic DNA Kit (Cat.No.GB100; Bioman Scientific Co., LTD, Taiwan), following the manufacturer's guidelines. The DNA was dissolved in TE buffer (10 mM Tris, pH 7.8, 1 mM EDTA) and preserved at -20°C until further analysis was performed. Genotyping of SNPs was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods.

The information of primers, restriction enzymes and PCR conditions for detecting IL-18 SNPs rs1946518A/C and rs3882891C/A was provided in the Supplementary information. Sequence validation and duplicate genotyping from 5% to 10% of blinded samples were done. In order to confirm accuracy, 60 samples were chosen at random and subjected to blind duplicate genotyping. The bases of an additional 30 samples were sequenced and compared to the results of genotyping.

Bioinformatics analysis

We conducted an analysis of genotype-phenotype correlation using data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Portal ( 24, with a significance threshold set at p < 0.05. The following analysis investigated the relationship between rs1946518A/C and rs3882891C/A and IL-18 expression performance in whole blood utilizing information extracted from the GTEx database.

Statistical analysis

For continuous covariates, mean±standard deviation (SD) was showed, and number(percentage) was showed for categorical data. Student's t-test was used to compare continuous variables between two groups. The genotype distribution of each SNP was analyzed for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and confirmed by χ2 analysis. χ2 tests were performed to compare the categorical variables between the two groups. Adjusted odds ratios (AORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were conducted by multiple logistic regression analyses that controlled for age and gender. Haplotype frequencies were analyzed using Haploview, and statistical analysis of the haplotype structure was performed, as summarized in the manuscript 25. All analyses were performed by using SPSS statistical software (version 25). Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.


All study subjects were Chinese Han. The total 580 participants were enrolled in the current study. The average age of subjects was approximately 60 years old. About 56% of subjects were male and more than 80% of the subjects had dyslipidemia including hypercholesterolemia (CHOL>250mg/dL or LDL-C>160mg/dL) or and hypertriglyceridemia (TG>200mg/dL). After adjustment of age and gender, the AOR to the risk of lipid abnormalities in IL-18 genotypes are provided in Tables ​Tables2.2. All genotypic frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberang equilibrium (p > 0.05). In both control and case groups, the highest distribution frequencies for rs3882891 and rs1946518 were heterozygous for CA and AC, respectively. The recessive models of rs3882891 showed lower risks of hypercholesterolemia, high CHOL and high LDL-C in participants with higher significant variation (AOR=0.431, CI=0.226-0.823, p=0.011; AOR=0.411, CI=0.263-0.644, p=0.000; AOR=0.602, CI=0.397-0.913, p=0.017). Furthermore, the AA genotype of rs3882891 was associated with the lower risks of hypercholesterolemia, high CHOL and high LDL-C in participants (AOR=0.314, CI=0.148-0.667, p=0.003; AOR=0.337, CI=0.198-0.574, p=0.000; AOR=0.488, CI=0.295-0.807, p=0.005 separately) (Table ​(Table2).The2).The recessive models of rs1946518 were significantly associated with lower CHOL level and LDL-C (AOR=0.512, CI=0.325-0.807, p=0.004; AOR=0.544, CI=0.350-0.847, p=0.007) and CC genotype of rs1946518 showed similar phenomenon, with lower risk to hypercholesterolemia (AOR=0.421, CI=0.202-0.877, p=0.021), high CHOL (AOR=0.435, CI=0.254-0.747, p=0.003) and high LDL-C levels (AOR=0.409, CI=0.242-0.692, p=0.001) (Table ​(Table2).2). In our investigation, the AA genotype of rs3882891 and CC genotype of rs1946518 shows lower risk of developing lipid abnormalities.

Table 2

Odds ratio (OR), adjusted odds ratio (AOR), and related 95% confidence interval (CI) of hyperlipidemia associated with IL-18 genotypic frequencies.

All subjects (N=580) n (%)
Hypercholesterolemia (T-chol>250mg/dL, LDL-C>160mg/dL)
Gene (SNP)Genetic modelNo (N=483)Yes (N=97)OR (95% CI)p valuesAOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891DominantCC106 (22%)31 (31.6%)11
CA+AA376 (78%)67 (68.4%)0.609 (0.378-0.982)*0.0410.581 (0.357-0.946)*0.029
RecessiveCC+CA363 (75.3%)86 (87.8%)11
AA119 (24.7%)12 (12.2%)0.426 (0.225-0.806)*0.0070.431 (0.226-0.823)*0.011
AdditiveCC106 (22%)31 (31.6%)11
CA257 (53.3%)55 (56.1%)0.732 (0.446-1.200)0.2150.703 (0.425-1.162)0.169
AA119 (24.7%)12 (12.2%)0.345 (0.169-0.706)*0.0030.314 (0.148-0.667)*0.003
rs1946518DominantAA108 (22.4%)29 (29.6%)11
AC+CC374 (77.6%)69 (70.4%)0.687 (0.424-1.114)0.1270.626 (0.381-1.028)0.064
RecessiveAA+AC379 (78.6%)85 (86.7%)11
CC103 (21.4%)13 (13.3%)0.563 (0.302-1.049)0.0670.564 (0.300-1.061)0.076
AdditiveAA108 (22.4%)29 (29.6%)11
AC271 (56.2%)56 (57.1%)0.770 (0.466-1.270)0.3040.710 (0.426-1.184)0.189
CC103 (21.4%)13 (13.3%)0.470 (0.232-0.954)*0.0340.421 (0.202-0.877)*0.021
Hypertriglyceridemia (TG>200mg/dL)
Gene (SNP)Genetic modelNo (N=465)Yes (N=115)OR (95% CI)p valuesAOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891DominantCC107 (23%)30 (26.1%)11
CA+AA358 (77%)85 (73.9%)0.847 (0.530-1.353)0.4870.832 (0.519-1.35)0.446
RecessiveCC+CA356 (76.6%)93 (80.9%)11
AA109 (23.4%)22 (19.1%)0.773 (0.463-1.289)0.3220.796 (0.475-1.333)0.385
AdditiveCC109 (22.6%)28 (28.9%)11
CA261 (54%)51 (52.6%)0.902 (0.553-1.473)0.6810.877 (0.535-1.438)0.603
AA113 (23.4%)18 (18.6%)0.72 (0.391-1.327)0.2910.727 (0.393-1.346)0.31
rs1946518DominantAA107 (23%)30 (26.1%)11
AC+CC358 (77%)85 (73.9%)0.847 (0.530-1.353)0.4870.809 (0.504-1.300)0.382
RecessiveAA+AC366 (78.7%)98 (85.2%)11
CC99 (21.3%)17 (14.8%)0.641 (0.366-1.124)0.1180.651 (0.370-1.145)0.136
AdditiveAA107 (23%)30 (26.1%)11
AC259 (55.7%)68 (59.1%)0.936 (0.577-1.521)0.7910.889 (0.544-1.451)0.637
CC99 (21.3%)17 (14.8%)0.612 (0.318-1.179)0.140.599 (0.31-1.159)0.128
Higher CHOL (>200 mg/dL)
Gene (SNP)Genetic modelNo (N=351)Yes (N=229)OR (95% CI)p valuesAOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891DominantCC71 (20.2%)66 (28.8%)11
CA+AA280 (79.8%)163 (71.2%)0.626 (0.425-0.922)*0.0170.605 (0.407-0.898)*0.013
RecessiveCC+CA252 (71.8%)197 (86.0%)11
AA99 (28.2%)32 (14.0%)0.413 (0.266-0.642)*0.0000.411 (0.263-0.644)*0.000
AdditiveCC71 (20.2%)66 (28.8%)11
CA181 (51.6%)131 (57.2%)0.779 (0.520-1.166)0.2240.751 (0.497-1.134)0.174
AA99 (28.2%)32 (14%)0.348 (0.207-0.585)*0.0000.337 (0.198-0.574)*0.000
rs1946518DominantAA75 (21.4%)62 (27.1%)11
AC+CC276 (78.6%)167 (72.9%)0.732 (0.497-1.078)0.1140.685 (0.461-1.019)0.062
RecessiveAA+AC267 (76.1%)197 (86.0%)11
CC84 (23.9%)32 (14.0%)0.516 (0.330-0.807)*0.0030.512 (0.325-0.807)*0.004
AdditiveAA75 (21.4%)62 (27.1%)11
AC192 (54.7%)135 (59%)0.851 (0.569-1.271)0.430.794 (0.526-1.198)0.272
CC84 (23.9%)32 (14%)0.461 (0.272-0.781)*0.0040.435 (0.254-0.747)*0.003
Higher TG (>150 mg/dL)
Gene (SNP)Genetic modelNo (N=321)Yes (N=259)OR (95% CI)p valuesAOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891DominantCC73 (22.7%)64 (24.7%)11
CA+AA248 (77.3%)195 (75.3%)0.897 (0.611-1.317)0.5790.897 (0.610-1.318)0.579
RecessiveCC+CA247 (76.9%)202 (78.0%)11
AA74 (23.1%)57 (22.0%)0.942 (0.636-1.394)0.7650.944 (0.637-1.399)0.775
AdditiveCC73 (22.7%)64 (24.7%)11
CA174 (54.2%)138 (53.3%)0.905 (0.6041-1.354)0.6260.904 (0.603-1.354)0.623
AA74 (23.1%)57 (22%)0.879 (0.543-1.422)0.5980.880 (0.543-1.426)0.605
rs1946518DominantAA75 (23.4%)62 (23.9%)11
AC+CC246 (76.6%)197 (76.1%)0.969 (0.659-1.424)0.8720.971 (0.659-1.428)0.879
RecessiveAA+AC258 (80.4%)206 (79.5%)11
CC63 (19.6%)53 (20.5%)1.054 (0.700-1.585)0.8021.056 (0.701-1.590)0.795
AdditiveAA75 (23.4%)62 (23.9%)11
AC183 (57%)144 (55.6%)0.952 (0.637-1.422)0.810.953 (0.637-1.426)0.815
CC63 (19.6%)53 (20.5%)1.018 (0.619-1.672)0.9451.021 (0.621-1.679)0.935
Higher LDL-C (>130mg/dL)
Gene (SNP)Genetic modelNo (N=340)Yes (N=240)OR (95% CI)p valuesAOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891DominantCC70 (20.6%)67 (27.9%)11
CA+AA270 (79.4%)173 (72.1%)0.669 (0.455-0.984)*0.0410.656 (0.444-0.970)*0.034
RecessiveCC+CA251 (73.8%)198 (82.5%)11
AA89 (26.2%)42 (17.5%)0.598 (0.396-0.903)*0.0140.602 (0.397-0.913)*0.017
AdditiveCC70 (20.6%)67 (27.9%)11
CA181 (53.2%)131 (54.6%)0.756 (0.505-1.132)0.1740.738 (0.491-1.111)0.146
AA89 (26.2%)42 (17.5%)0.493 (0.3-0.81)*0.0050.488 (0.295-0.807)*0.005
rs1946518DominantAA68 (20%)69 (28.7%)11
AC+CC272 (80%)171 (71.3%)0.620 (0.421-0.911)*0.0150.589 (0.398-0.872)*0.008
RecessiveAA+AC259 (76.2%)205 (85.4%)11
CC81 (23.8%)35 (14.6%)0.546 (0.353-0.845)*0.0060.544 (0.350-0.847)*0.007
AdditiveAA68 (20%)69 (28.7%)11
AC191 (56.2%)136 (56.7%)0.702 (0.47-1.048)0.0830.666 (0.443-1)0.05
CC81 (23.8%)35 (14.6%)0.426 (0.253-0.716)*0.0010.409 (0.242-0.692)*0.001
Lower HDL-C (<40 mg/dL)
Gene (SNP)Genetic modelNo (N=382)Yes (N=198)OR (95% CI)p valuesAOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891DominantCC87 (22.8%)50 (25.3%)11
CA+AA295 (77.2%)148 (74.7%)0.873 (0.585-1.302)0.5050.868 (0.570-1.320)0.508
RecessiveCC+CA288 (75.4%)161 (81.3%)11
AA94 (24.6%)37 (18.7%)0.704 (0.460-1.079)0.1060.693 (0.444-1.080)0.105
AdditiveCC87 (22.8%)50 (25.3%)11
CA201 (52.6%)111 (56.1%)0.961 (0.633-1.459)0.8520.96 (0.619-1.49)0.857
AA94 (24.6%)37 (18.7%)0.685 (0.409-1.147)0.1490.674 (0.393-1.154)0.15
rs1946518DominantAA85 (22.3%)52 (26.3%)11
AC+CC297 (77.7%)146 (73.7%)0.804 (0.540-1.196)0.2810.805 (0.530-1.223)0.309
RecessiveAA+AC301 (78.8%)163 (82.3%)11
CC81 (21.2%)35 (17.7%)0.798 (0.514-1.239)0.3140.793 (0.502-1.254)0.322
AdditiveAA85 (22.3%)52 (26.3%)11
AC216 (56.5%)111 (56.1%)0.840 (0.555-1.271)0.4090.844 (0.546-1.304)0.444
CC81 (21.2%)35 (17.7%)0.706 (0.418-1.195)0.1940.705 (0.407-1.22)0.211

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The analysis results of Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Portal based on IL-18 SNPs (rs1946518 and rs3882891) indicated the inverse relationship between both SNPs and IL-18 expression, and the individuals with the AA genotype of rs3882891 and CC genotype of rs1946518 showed lower expression of IL-18 than reference genotypes in a whole blood sample (p=0.042 and 0.016, Figure ​Figure11).

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Figure 1

IL-18 displays a significant eQTL association with rs3882891 (A) and rs1946518 (B) genotypes in lung tissues (GTEx data set).

Haplotype analysis based on the genotype data in the order of rs3882891 and rs1946518, revealing these two SNPs were in high linkage disequilibrium (89%) in halpoblock (Figure ​(Figure2).2). Both minor alleles of rs3882891 and rs1946518 which compose the AC haplotype has lower risk of developing lipid abnormalities, such as hypercholesterolemia (OR=0.439, CI=0.231-0.835, p=0.01), higher CHOL (OR=0.665, CI=0.521-0.849, p=0.001), and higher LDL-C (OR=0.696, CI=0.546-0.887, p = 0.003) (Table ​(Table33).

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Figure 2

Displaying the pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns of IL-18. A schematic illustration of IL-18 is provided, highlighting the positions of SNP polymorphisms and depicting the D' values for pairwise linkage disequilibrium. The D' values for each SNP are visually- represented using a grayscale, with white denoting low D' and darker shades indicating high D'.

Table 3

Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of hyperlipidemia associated with IL-18 rs3882891/rs1946518 haplotype frequencies.

All subjects (N=1160) n (%)
Hypercholesterolemia (T-chol>250mg/dL, LDL-C>160mg/dL)
HaplotypeNoYesOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891, rs1946518
CA 2344 (43.7%)81 (82.7%)1
AC 3116 (24.1%)12 (12.2%)0.439 (0.231-0.835)*0.01
CC 119 (3.9%)5 (5.1%)0.895 (0.324-2.468)0.83
AA 43 (0.6%)0 (0%)0.809 (0.773-0.848)0.401
Higher CHOL (>200 mg/dL)
HaplotypeNoYesOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891, rs1946518
CA 2307 (43.7%)251 (54.8%)1
AC 3344 (49.0%)187 (40.8%)0.665 (0.521-0.849)*0.001
CC 116 (2.3%)12 (2.6%)1.090 (0.506-2.347)0.825
AA 435 (5%)8 (1.7%)0.280 (0.127-0.614)*0.001
Higher LDL-C (>130mg/dL)
HaplotypeNoYesOR (95% CI)p values
rs3882891, rs1946518
CA 2302 (44.4%)256 (53.3%)1
AC 3334 (49.1%)197 (41.0%)0.696 (0.546-0.887)*0.003
CC 119 (2.8%)9 (1.9%)1.790 (0.796-4.024)0.154
AA 425 (3.7%)18 (3.8%)0.849 (0.453-1.592)0.61


The main findings of this work were the obvious associations between genotypes AA and CC of two IL-18 SNPs (rs3882891 and rs1946518) and lower risk of hypercholesterolemia, lower circulating CHOL and LDL-C levels, which may contribute to the progression of CAD. The data also found that subjects who carry genotypic variants show lower circulating IL-18 levels than wild type.

Genetic variation of IL-18 has been proven to associate with or even affect the circulating level of IL-18 in previous reports. The previous study evaluated 5 SNPs located in promoter and 5'UTR regions of IL-18, and the data showed that in response to stimulation, haplotypes 1 (G-C-G-T-C) and 3 (T-A-G-T-C) could enhance promoter transcriptional activity than haplotype 2 (T-A-C-G-T) 20. Another study investigated IL-18 expression after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure, and the results indicated that the subjects who carried the -137 GG genotype produced more IL-18 than the heterozygous genotype 26. The IL-18-5848 T>C was associated with IL-18 levels in coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients, not only in the baseline but also 6 hours postoperative 27. Here, we found that both IL-18 SNPs (rs3882891 and rs1946518) were associated with IL-18 expression by utilizing the online Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Portal. However, the previous study has found no significant association of IL-18 rs1946518 and IL-18 serum level in CAD patients 28. This could contribute to ethnic differences which lead to a different distribution of the allele frequency.

Although the previous report has provided evidence that IL-18 rs1946518 polymorphism was associated with susceptibility to CAD in East Asians 29, there is no relevant report that investigates the association between IL-18 rs1946518 and dyslipidemia, one of the major causes involved in the pathogenesis of CAD. In accordance with previous findings 29, our results indicate that the genotypic variants of IL-18 rs1946518 is associated with lower circulating CHOL and LDL-C levels. Furthermore, previous study shows that rs1946518 polymorphism, located within the IL-18 promoter region, is implicated in the regulation of IL-18 expression 20. This finding proposes a mechanism by which rs1946518 polymorphism is related to gene regulation of IL-18, which in turn affects lipid levels in circulation and thus contributing to the progression of CAD. However, the previous study reveals that IL-18 knockout (IL-18 -/-) mice develop hypercholesterolemia, hyper-high-density-lipoprotein cholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia while aging 10. With regard to the pleiotropic property of IL-18 in biological function, complete knockout of IL-18 gene expression may elicit some adverse effects. However, the molecular mechanism involved in lipid metabolism by IL-18 expression should be examined in the future.

The subjects who carry the AA genotypic variant of rs3882891 show a lower prevalence of circulating CHOL and LDL-C levels. Furthermore, the rs3882891 CC genetic variant shows lower expression of IL-18. A previous study indicated a correlation between the rs3882891 polymorphism and an elevated risk of acute myocardial infarction 21. As high levels of IL-18 have been correlated with an elevated risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including acute myocardial infarction, and are considered a therapeutic target 30, the impact of the rs3882891 polymorphism on IL-18 expression, as well as its association with dyslipidemia, need to be elucidated in future studies.

Several limitations in this study should be addressed. Although subjects were enrolled from communities in Taiwan, only individuals of Chinese Han were included in this study and the sample size was small exclusion criteria for participant enrollment. Moreover, the present work provided observation results, and the molecular mechanism should be delineated to confirm our findings here.

Table 1

Demographical characteristics in 580 subjects in current study.

General Characteristics and Serum Lipid Levels of the Subjects
All subjects (N=580)Mean±SD or N (%)
Age (yrs)60.83± 11.468
Male326 (56.2%)
Female254 (43.8%)
HypertensionSBP>140, DBP>90
No343 (59.1%)
Yes237 (40.9%)
HypercholesterolemiaCHOL>250 or LDL-C>160
No483 (89.5%)
Yes97 (10.5%)
No482 (83.1%)
Yes98 (16.9%)
No351 (60.5%)
Yes229 (39.5%)
No321 (55.3%)
Yes259 (44.7%)
No340 (58.6%)
Yes240 (41.4%)
No382 (65.9%)
Yes198 (34.1%)
SBP132.20 ± 22.559
DBP82.31 ± 40.190
CHOL183.81 ± 59.285
TRIG152.09 ± 84.310
LDL125.52 ± 32.724
HDL47.59 ± 14.663

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Supplementary Material

Supplementary information and figures.

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Institutional Review Board StatementThis study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional review board of the Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital (IRB number: 96E086). Eligible participants provided written informed consent.


This work was supported by grants from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST107-2314-B-038-072-MY3, MOST110-2314-B-038-056-MY3). Shin-Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital and Fu Jen Catholic University (109-SKH-FJU-04, 110-SKH-FJU-04, 111-SKH-FJU-03).

Consent to participate

All of the participants' written informed consent was received before they participated in the study.

Availability of data and materials

The data presented in this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. The data are not publicly available due to privacy restrictions.

Author contributions

Study conception and design: P. C. Chen, C. H. Bai; data collection: W. H. Chen, L. M. Lien; analysis and interpretation of results: P. C. Chen, C. H. Bai; draft manuscript preparation: P.C. Chen; supervision and project administration: C. H. Bai; resources and funding acquisition: C. C. Chou, C. C. Chao.


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Articles from International Journal of Medical Sciences are provided here courtesy of Ivyspring International Publisher

Association of IL-18 gene polymorphisms with clinical aspects of hyperlipidemia in middle-aged and early people in the community (2024)


What are the genes for hyperlipidaemia? ›

Hypercholesterolaemia is usually due to a combination of multiple genetic and environmental factors, that is, polygenic hypercholesterolaemia. However, there is an important group of patients with hypercholesterolaemia due to mutations in any one of several genes: LDLR, APOB, PCSK9 and LDLRAP1.

Which polymorphisms in which gene protein are most often associated with obesity? ›

A cluster of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in the first intron of the FTO gene was found to correlate with an increase in body mass index (BMI) in both children and adults, regardless of gender.

What can I drink to flush out my cholesterol? ›

Cholesterol is often high due to excessive saturated and trans fat consumption. There are certain drinks that can help maintain an ideal cholesterol level. Some of the best drinks for cholesterol management include green tea, pomegranate juice, citrus juice, soy milk, plant-based smoothies, and red wine.

What foods should you avoid if you have hyperlipidemia? ›

High intake of foods containing unhealthy fats (saturated fats and trans fats) – such as fatty meats and deli-style meats, butter, cream, ice cream, coconut oil, palm oil and most deep-fried takeaway foods and commercially baked products (such as pies, biscuits, buns and pastries).

Can you lose weight if you're genetically fat? ›

Plus exercise is key. Research shows that even if you're likely to be obese because of your genes, you can change course by breaking a sweat regularly.

How do you know if you have the fat gene? ›

If you suspect that you or someone you care for may have a rare genetic disease of obesity, talk to your doctor about genetic testing. While genetic testing is not required to diagnose some rare genetic diseases of obesity, it may help identify them.

Can genetic obesity be cured? ›

Early lifestyle interventions, bariatric surgery, and medications form the basis of the treatment of genetically predisposed obesity.

What is the genetic classification of hyperlipidemia? ›

Classification. Hyperlipidemias may basically be classified as either familial (also called primary) when caused by specific genetic abnormalities or acquired (also called secondary) when resulting from another underlying disorder that leads to alterations in plasma lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.

Is there a genetic gene for high cholesterol? ›

Genetics of familial hypercholesterolaemia

Cholesterol is delivered to cells via the bloodstream. Normally, the tiny particles of LDL cholesterol attach to 'receptor' sites on the targeted cells and are then absorbed. A gene on chromosome 19, called the LDLR gene, controls the production of these receptors.

What are the genes responsible for dyslipidemia? ›

It is noteworthy that the phenotype determined by the three genes, LDLR, ApoB and PCSK9, shows a pattern of autosomal dominant transmission, while the phenotype determined by mutations in the gene LDLRAP1 has an exclusive autosomal recessive transmission.

Is hyperlipidemia dominant or recessive? ›

FH is a common genetic disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance.

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