Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (2024)

This post was most recently updated on January 22nd, 2021

Vegetable Garden Companion Planting can be a confusing business. It takes a while to get your head around companion plant combinations that work and don’t work together. Below, you can grab your freecompanion planting chart PDF.

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One of the first steps to freedom from relying on supermarkets for food is learning how to grow your own vegetables. Companion planting is a great way to improve your garden’s yield, while reducing your reliance on pesticides and herbicides.

What isVegetable Garden Companion Planting ?

Companion planting is simply the practice of planting two or more plants together to the benefit of both plants. It can be an intimidating concept to the new gardener, but with some simple, well known combinations of plants, you will be a companion planting ninja very quickly.

Much of what the gardening community knows about vegetable garden companion planting has been learned by trial and error over many generations. Ask your Granny what plants she usually plants together.

Some plants work better with others and some are a terrible combination and they both struggle. Here are some well-known plant combinations that work and you should aim for. I have provided a printable pdf of vegetable and herb companion combinations that work well below for you.

DOWNLOAD YOUR companion planting chartPDF herecompanion-planting-list-piwakawaka-valley

Companion planting isn’t limited to just vegetables either, herbs and many flowers can be used as companion plants for the vegetables in your veggie patch, or with your fruit trees in the orchard.

RELATED: 20 Fastest plants to grow in your vegetable garden

Flowers that make good companion plants:

Many flowers make brilliant companion plants, and not only do they help their companions grow – they also attract and feed pollinators and beneficial insects.

Nasturtium (a flower) attracts caterpillars, aphids and whitefly. Therefore planting it alongside or around vegetables such as lettuces, cabbages, beans and tomatoes will protect them. The adults will lay the eggs on the nasturtium leaves instead.

The nasturtium can be pulled while the eggs are at a junior stage to rid the garden of this cycle. Also when they areflowering nasturtium attract bees and provide homes for beneficial bugs.

You should plant marigolds close to crops that suffer from aphids and greenfly. Marigolds emit a scent that repels aphids and attracts hoverflies, which are a predator of aphids.

Foxgloves as a companion plant have a growth-stimulating effect on all the plants near it. It is also said to protect the garden from disease and strengthen tender plants.

Certain flowers are grown as companion plants near edible crops in order to attract insects for pollination.

Capsic*ms and eggplants, which have smaller flowers, benefit from having flowers nearby to ensure they get pollinated.

RELATED: How to plan your garden for the coming season

Bee friendly companion plants include calendula, marigolds, sunflowers, poppies, clover, nasturtiums, Queen Anne’s Lace, echinacea, borage and purple tansy.

Borage is a great companion for your strawberries, attracting lots of bees for increased yields.

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Herbs that make good vegetable garden companion plants

Many herbs make great companion plants, if you choose culinary herbs, or medicinal ones, they can be of multiple benefits to you and your garden.

Sage is a great herb to plant around celery crops, as it helps to keep aphids away.

Hyssop deters white cabbage butterfly from brassicas such as broccoli, cabbages and Brussels sprouts.

Basil improves the flavour of tomatoes when planted alongside. Basil can also be planted alongside capsic*ms.

Plant dill and rosemary next to broccoli.

RELATED: How to grow thyme

Great Vegetable combinations for successful companion planting

Grow carrots and leeks together. Both have strong scents that drive away each other’s pests. If you aren’t growing leeks, spring onions work well too.

Garlic planted among roses will help deter aphids.

Asparagus, basil, carrots, celery and parsley are ideal companion plants for tomatoes to help each other grow. Tomatoes are also compatible with chives and onion.

Sweetcorn does well planted with potatoes, peas, beans and squash.

RELATED: Why you MUST mulch

Why are some Companion Planting Charts Conflicting?

Not all companion planting charts are the same. This is because companion planting is not completely understood and what grows well together in some areas may compete for the same resources elsewhere.

Companion Planting Charts Are a Guideline Only

There are general guidelines for companion planting vegetables that work well in the majority of the world. I suggest that you use this chart as a guide, and modify it as you find what works (or doesn’t work) in your own garden.

Over time you will have a great resource for your area, and won’t need to rely on others’ companion planting charts anymore!

The Big Benefits of Companion Planting Vegetables and Herbs in your garden

There are many benefits for employing some companion planting in your garden:

Shelter – smaller plants are protected by larger ones from wind or too much sun.
Support – Some vegetables can climb others – like pole beans planted with corn use the corn as a trellis.
Beneficial Insects – attracting beneficial insects such as bees help spread pollen and other keep aphid numbers low.
Soil Improvement – some vegetable plants improve soil conditions for other plants. For example, legumes (beans, peas etc) draw nitrogen from the atmosphere and add it to the soil around them.
Decoy Plants – there are plants that emit odors that aid in masking the odors of insect-desirable vegetable plants.

RELATED: 20 tips from experienced gardeners

Free Companion Planting Chart:

DOWNLOAD YOUR companion planting chartPDF herecompanion-planting-list-piwakawaka-valley


Good Companions



AsparagusBasil, Coriander, Dill, Parsley, Carrots, Tomatoes, MarigoldsGarlic, Potatoes, OnionsMarigolds, Parsley, Tomato protect from asparagus beetles
BeansBeets, Brassicas, Carrot, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Celery, Chards, Corn, Eggplant, Peas, PotatoesAlliums (chives, garlic, leeks, onions), Peppers, Tomatoes For Broad Beans: FennelCorn is a natural trellis, and provides shelter for beans. Beans provide nitrogen to the soil.
BeetsBrassicas (ie. broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kohlrabi, turnip), Kohlrabi, Garlic, Lettuce, Onion, SagePole and Runner BeansThe beans and beets compete for growth. Composted beet leaves add magnesium to the soil when mixed.
BroccoliBasil, Bush Beans, Chamomile, Cucumber, Dill, Garlic, Lettuce, Marigold, Mint, Onion, Potato, Radish, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, TomatoGrapes, Mustard, Oregano, Strawberry, TomatoRosemary repels cabbage fly. Dill attracts wasps for pest control.
Brussels SproutsDill, Potato, ThymeStrawberry, Tomato
CabbageBeets, Bush Beans, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Mint, Onion, Potato, Oregano, Rosemary, SageBeans (Pole and Runner), Mustards, Peppers, Strawberry, TomatoCelery, onion and herbs keep pests away. Rosemary repels cabbage fly.
CarrotsBeans (Bush and Pole), Garlic, Lettuce, Onion, Parsley, Peas, Rosemary, TomatoDill, ParsnipBeans provide nitrogen in soil which carrots need. Onion, parsley and rosemary repel the carrot fly
CauliflowerBeans, Celery, Oregano, Peas, TomatoStrawberriesBeans provide the soil with nitrogen, which cauliflower needs.
CeleryBush Beans, Cabbage, Dill, Leeks, Marjoram, TomatoesParsnip, Potato
ChivesBasil, Carrots, Marigold, Parsley, Parsnip, Strawberries, TomatoBeans
CornBeans, Cucumbers, Marjoram, Parsnip, Peas, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Squash, ZucchiniTomatoTomato worm and corn earworm like both plants. Beans and peas supply nitrogen.
CucumberBeans, Celery, Corn, Dill, Lettuce, Peas, RadishPotato, Sage, strong aromatic herbs, TomatoCucumbers grow poorly around potatoes and sage.
DillCabbage, Corn, Cucumbers, Dill, Fennel, Lettuce, OnionsCoriander, TomatoCross-pollinates with coriander, ruining both. One only a few plants that grows well with Fennel.
EggplantBeans, Marjoram, Pepper, Potato
KohlrabiBeets, Lettuce, OnionsStrawberries, Pole Beans, TomatoLettuce repels earth flies.
LeekCarrots, Celery, Lettuce, OnionsBeans, PeasCompanion attributes are the same as garlic, onion, chives (alliums).
LettuceBeans, Beets, Carrots, Corn, Marigold, Onions, Peas, Radish, StrawberriesParsleyMints repel slugs (which feed on lettuce).
MarigoldBrassicas (broccoli, etc), Cucurbits (cucumber, etc), Peppers, Tomato, and most other plantsIt is said that you can plant Marigolds throughout the garden, as they repel insects and root-attacking nematodes (worm-like organisms). Be aware they may bother allergy sufferers.
OnionsBeets, Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce, Marjoram, Rosemary, Savory, Strawberry, TomatoBeans, PeasRepels aphids, the carrot fly, and other pests.
ParsleyAsparagus, Beans, Radish, Rosemary, TomatoLettuceDraws insects away from tomatoes.
PeasBeans, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Corn, Cucumber, Lettuce, Marjoram, Parsnip, Potato, SageAlliums (Chives, Garlic, Onion, Shallots)
PotatoBeans, Cabbage, Corn, Eggplant, Horseradish, Marjoram, ParsnipCelery, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Rosemary, Strawberries, TomatoCucumber, tomato and raspberry attract harmful pests to potatoes. Horseradish increases disease resistance.
PumpkinBeans, Corn, RadishPotato
RadishCabbage, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Lettuce, Marjoram, ParsnipRadish is often used as a trap crop against some beetles(flea and cucumber).
SageBeans, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Rosemary, StrawberriesRepels cabbage fly, some bean parasites.
SpinachBeans, Lettuce, Peas, StrawberriesNatural shade is provided by beans and peas, for spinach.
SquashFruit trees, strawberriesSimilar companion traits to pumpkin.
StrawberriesBorage, Bush Beans, CarawayBroccoli, CabbagesThe herb, Borage, is likely the strongest companion.
TomatoesAlliums, Asparagus, Basil, Borage, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Marigold, PeppersBrassicas, Beets, Corn, Dill, Fennel, Peas, Potatoes, RosemaryGrowing basil about 10 inches from tomatoes increases the yield of the tomato plants.
ZucchiniFlowering herbs (for pollination)Attracts bees

For more information about when to plant and harvest different crops read here.

For more information about crop rotation read here

Here is a great video on some of the research behind the benefits of companion planting:

If you like tips on gardening, frugal living, self sufficiency and consuming less, sign up to our newsletter below, I would LOVE to have you! If you are interested in growing a food forest, check out my food forest book here.

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If you would like help getting the most out of your garden, I would love to help you, find out more here

RELATED: Free Gardening Resources

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Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (1)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (2)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (3)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (4)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (5)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (6)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (7)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (8)Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (9)

Vegetable Garden Companion Planting Chart for vegetables and herbs (2024)


What vegetables and herbs grow best together? ›

Companion Planting Chart
CropCompanion Plants
AsparagusBasil, marigold, oregano, parsley, tomato
BeansCorn, tomato, eggplant, carrot, cucumber, pumpkin, radish
CabbageSage, dill, beet, peppermint, rosemary, corn, spinach, sunflower, nasturtium
CarrotOnion, chive, rosemary, radish, nasturtium, cilantro
13 more rows
Mar 29, 2024

What vegetables to plant together chart? ›

Vegetables and Herbs Companion Planting Chart
PlantGood Together
EggplantBush Beans, Pole Beans, Peas, Peppers, Potato, Spinach
LettuceCarrots, Garlic, Onion, Radish and just about everything!
OnionBeets, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Parsnip, Pepper, Spinach, Squash, Tomato, Turnip
15 more rows

What vegetables and herbs should not be planted together? ›

11 Plants You Should Never Grow Together
  1. 01 of 11. Fennel with Most Herbs and Vegetables. Layne Kennedy. ...
  2. 02 of 11. Brassicas with Strawberries. ...
  3. 03 of 11. Sage with Cucumber. ...
  4. 04 of 11. Asparagus with Alliums. ...
  5. 05 of 11. Legumes with Alliums. ...
  6. 06 of 11. Corn with Tomatoes. ...
  7. 07 of 11. Dill and Carrots. ...
  8. 08 of 11. Cabbage with Grapes.
Jul 2, 2024

What to plant next to each other in a vegetable garden? ›

Companion Planting Chart
Type of VegetableFriends
CabbageBeets, celery, chard, lettuce, spinach, onions
CarrotsBeans, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, tomatoes
CornClimbing beans, cucumber, marjoram, peas, pumpkins, squash, sunflowers, zucchini
OnionsCabbage, carrots, chard, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes
12 more rows

What 3 vegetables grow well together? ›

One of the most popular companion plantings is “The Three Sisters Garden,” which includes corn, beans and squash. Taller plants, such as corn, can provide a natural support trellis and shelter for beans, peas and other climbing crops.

What is the best layout for a vegetable garden? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

Can peppers and tomatoes be planted together? ›

The fact of the matter is that YES the plants are related and YES they share some common diseases but most people do not have the space in their garden to separate them. The reality is that because the two have similar growth requirements, they can in fact be grown quite successfully together.

What is the best layout for an herb garden? ›

The simplest design would be four beds, each a square yard (or square metre) in size, around a sundial or small round bed containing one tall herb – a Rosemary bush or Bay tree as a permanent feature, or Fennel, which would grow up every year and offer sculptural stems in winter.

What not to plant with basil? ›

Plants to Avoid Growing With Basil
  • Herbs. While you can plant basil next to chamomile, oregano, and chives, basil generally prefers the company of vegetables over other herbs, and should not be planted near rue or sage. ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Fennel.
Jun 7, 2021

What flower keeps bugs away from vegetables? ›

Along with marigolds, geraniums are the perfect companion plant. They both have strong fragrances that confuse pests and prevent them from reaching their target crop. When planted close, geraniums can protect many types of fruits and vegetables, including cabbage and tomatoes.

What vegetables to keep away from each other in the garden? ›

Examples of Plants That Should Not Be Grown Together
AsparagusFennel, Garlic, Onions, Potatoes
BeansBroccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Chives, Garlic, Leeks, Onions
BeetsPole Beans
CabbageStrawberries, Lettuce, Corn, Dill, Eggplant, Peppers, Radishes, Rue, Tomatoes
CarrotsDill, Celery, Parsnip
21 more rows

What vegetables need to be planted in pairs? ›

Garden vegetables that grow well together include:
  • Basil and tomatoes.
  • Radishes and lettuce.
  • Peas and carrots.
  • Pumpkins or squash and corn.
  • Beets and onions.
  • Potatoes and eggplants.
Apr 8, 2022

Which herbs go well with vegetables? ›

Of course, this is dependent on the type of cuisine you are looking to create, but below are our recommended essentials for seasoning your vegetables.
  • Rosemary.
  • Thyme.
  • Parsley.
  • Sage.
  • Basil.
  • Mint.
  • Garlic.
  • Salt.
Jun 15, 2023

What are the easiest vegetables and herbs to grow? ›

The following eight easy-to-grow edibles show just how simple growing and enjoying your own fruits and vegetables can be:
  1. Bell Peppers. ...
  2. Blackberries and Raspberries. ...
  3. Cabbage. ...
  4. Cucumbers. ...
  5. Garlic. ...
  6. Strawberries. ...
  7. Tomatoes. ...
  8. Zucchini and Squash.

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