FY22 Staff Corps O5 Promotion Board Results (2024)

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FY22 Staff Corps O5 Promotion BoardResults

Posted on August 25, 2021

UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 251657Z AUG 21 MID200001073553U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 060/21 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/AUG// SUBJ/FISCAL YEAR 2022 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY COMMANDER STAFF CORPS SELECTIONS// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/28APR21// AMPN/REF A IS THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY COMMANDER STAFF CORPS PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD CONVENING ORDER.// RMKS/1. I am pleased to announce the following Staff Corps Officers on the Active-Duty list for promotion to the permanent grade of Commander. 2. This message is not authority to deliver appointments. Authority to effect promotion will normally be issued by future NAVADMINs requiring NAVPERS 1421/7 preparation and forwarding of document to PERS-806. 3. Frocking is not authorized for any officer listed below until specific authorization is received per SECNAVINST 1420.2B. 4. For proper alphabetical order read from left to right on each line. The numbers following each name to the right indicate the relative seniority among selectees within each competitive category. Note: An (*) by the name indicates the selectee was merit reordered to the top of the promotion list in accordance with reference (a). Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. Medical Corps Alatise Adeniyi S 0022 Aleid Haydar Mohali 0065 Anderson William C 0106 Andrews Mary Anne 0035 Arbuthnot Mary K 0108 Aurigemma David F 0076 Barlow Brian Thomas * 0005 Bauer Matthew Paul P 0096 Bayly Terrence D * 0007 Bowers Daniel Leonard 0030 Buckley Ryan Thomas 0068 Buckley Sarah Basha 0097 Burgess Matthew Daniel 0067 Buttolph Amelia Harris 0107 Bylund William E 0081 Caoile Samuel N 0013 Cheng Kai Yan 0014 Choi Anthony Joon 0026 Choi Pamela Mina 0053 Christensen Daniel L 0064 Cochran Grant K 0071 Cosentino Christopher 0050 Coulthard Stacy Lauren 0015 Cripe Paul 0079 Dean Daniel Joseph Jr 0101 Degeus John Benjamin 0083 Douglas Brigham Lee 0105 Elek Steven IV 0100 Engkulawy Jennifer Kar * 0008 Enujioke Sharon C 0043 Fischer Kimberly Lynn 0024 Frasier Samuel Dennis 0109 Gaylord Bethany Kay 0087 Generoso Judith C 0092 Goodlow Gale Kirk II 0046 Gower Jonathan Robert 0073 Griffin David L 0040 Gutweiler Alex August 0062 Hack Nawaz Khan A 0036 Haight Sean Patrick 0102 Hall Kent Michael 0104 Hansen Todd Phillip 0041 Hauck Heather Noelle 0084 Healy Mae Wu 0091 Heitzmann Mark D 0018 Hendricksen Paul D 0021 Henebry Andrew D 0069 Hernandez Amy Ann 0047 Higgs Maureen Murray 0044 Jaskiewicz Jennifer L 0103 Jin Mia 0031 Krispinsky Luke Thomas 0034 Kuckel Daniel P 0066 Lacroix Christina L 0020 Langevin Paul Noel 0011 Larsen Eric Christian 0056 Lawson Scott Michael 0088 Lehmann Benjamin John 0094 Lopreiato Joseph O 0090 Matchin Bruce Liron 0029 Mathurin Jean Gilnord 0061 Molenat Marc Alain 0023 Monson Michael James E 0099 Moore Joseph Andrew 0063 Morrisonponce Daphne P * 0009 Mullinax Ross A 0052 Myslin Robert 0033 Oakley Luke Steven * 0006 Obrien Brendan Stephen 0077 Oladipo Olamide J 0093 Olson Erik Joseph 0070 Osborne Todd Graham 0057 Overbey Jamie Kathleen 0095 Perez Colleen Frances * 0002 Perry Alexandra V 0082 Phillips Jamal Amir 0019 Quan Sara Janine 0016 Roberson Nolen F 0080 Ross Warren Leslie 0086 Russell Matthew Craig 0054 Schonau Jesse Taylor * 0010 Seavey Jonathan Glover 0039 Shanahan Erik Edmond 0075 Sick Megan Mackenzie 0028 Sklar Robert Vincent 0049 Smith Stephanie L 0045 Snow Ryan William 0098 Solis Ana Lidia 0060 Sosa Leivi Alejandro 0032 Speth Jodi L 0012 Stein Loretta Lindsay 0089 Stonegarza Kristi K 0055 Story Scott Gerald 0038 Stuart Sean M * 0003 Thompson Richard B * 0001 Thota Darshan S 0025 Uber Ian Chauncey 0074 Valadao Jason Matteo 0059 Vigilante John A IV 0051 Wagner Scott C 0085 Wallace James D 0078 Westbrook James Wesley 0058 Wilcox Clifton James 0037 Wolanin Alfred J III 0017 Yoder James Austin * 0004 Zakaroff Michael G 0072 Zeman Karen Grace 0048 Zundel Nathan Stewart 0027 Dental Corps Ayesh Karima 0021 Bartol Richard D III 0017 Bennett Bradley A 0019 Black Stephen Robert 0003 Bohman Michael Anthony 0006 Callaway Brandon K 0013 Chandler Karl Maxce 0004 Dulebohn Rachel Victor 0023 Fan Kenneth Ka Ho 0011 Fix Amanda Alayne 0007 Hain Karsten Johannes 0016 Hawkins James Mark 0012 Kim Shin Joseph 0008 Ku Jimmy Hyon 0015 Lee John Jaejin 0001 Lewis Michael J 0020 Muckenthaler Joseph R 0002 Rutherford Grant R 0009 Shaul James Allan 0010 Smith Jeffrey Tell 0014 Sparks Jeremiah Jason 0022 Watson Justin Isaiah 0005 Yu Stacy Leefung 0018 Medical Service Corps Aniagyei Ebenezer 0013 Biehn Jeremy Orion * 0003 Bird Henry L 0024 Bowers Micheal Paul 0016 Butler Clifton D 0031 Cacioppo Wendy K 0006 Cole Douglas Eugene Jr 0025 Colvin Walter James Jr 0033 Condon Rachel W P 0032 Delinsky Richard Jason 0019 Donovan Kellye Ann 0009 Eggan Stephen Melford 0037 Greene Marissa Lizette 0035 Hamilton Theron 0008 Hawks Beth Ann 0010 Hoffman Derek Boyd 0026 Horner Matthew J 0005 Keil Joshua Israel 0029 Kelly Brenna S 0021 Linomontes Carlos A 0020 Mokashi Vishwesh P * 0002 Morris Shawn Matthew 0034 Ortiz Pedro Angel * 0001 Parkes Melissa K 0012 Pierce Katherine E 0017 Potter Megan Ilene 0036 Rieman Megan J 0004 Rutledge Andrew Coates 0027 Schaal Nicholas C 0023 Sciarini Lee William 0038 Shea Jonathan Grant 0007 Smith Kathleen C 0022 Smith Eugene Jr 0015 Speitel James Daniel 0011 Valentine David III 0014 Wick Jannifer Lynn 0030 Wright Jason Earl 0028 Zeiler Adam Lawrence 0018 Judge Advocate General's Corps Baldini Emilee Kujat 0004 Beasleyledet Ronisha 0003 Bridges Daniel Maclay 0017 Carlisle Parker S 0001 Champ Theresa J 0005 Darco Neil Robert 0002 Eaton Thomas Liefke 0012 Ford Jessica Lynn 0015 Gough Charles C 0014 Hochmuth Paul T Jr 0007 Hudson Latham Taylor 0011 Jackson Patrick Owen 0006 Obrien Leah Alston 0008 Roach Brian Francis 0009 Sargent Brandon Hale 0018 Sham Anthony Philip 0013 Thompson Paul Henry 0010 Whitican Michael F 0016 Nurse Corps Adams Tuesday Lynn 0026 Barber Kenneth D 0031 Boerste Laura Ann 0009 Braxton Elyse Marie 0029 Broughton Mohneke V 0021 Burleson Stephanie L 0023 Bushey Michael Dennis 0016 Chamberas Sarah Marion 0024 Guerricagoitia Darcy R 0018 Hamrick Jonathan David 0041 Heck Candice Dawn 0010 Hemphill Annette Marie 0006 Horne Miranda Renee 0035 Horton Kayla R 0030 Hosea Michelle Kay 0013 Hurda Molly P 0002 Ikari Sachiko M 0028 Jolly Sondra Lee 0036 Kelly Angela Marie 0014 Kidde Katherine M 0007 Kline Candice Nicole 0038 Lee Nathan J 0033 Linder Kristie Lian 0017 Lum Andy Glynn 0034 Lynn Christopher Allen 0037 Mathie Cameron F 0032 Mccormick Michelle M 0019 Mcdonald David Ryan 0040 Oconnor Melody Ann 0020 Perez Nicholas Gregory 0027 Philipcyprien Wendyali 0003 Riddell Autumn Johanna * 0001 Rodriguez Rebeca S 0039 Rucker Michael Todd 0025 Saito Britney E 0004 Tallent Sarah Jane T 0022 Urban Carrie Easton 0008 Weaver Meghan Lynn 0015 Weiss Stella Jeanette 0011 Whalen Allyson Edith 0012 Williams Brenda M 0005 Supply Corps Adams Scott Edward 0037 Albesa Frederic 0015 Amundson Patrick David 0052 Anliker Anja Delora 0038 Armstrong Zachary John 0047 Aurelio Carnell P 0036 Buchanan Christopher M 0013 Clarida Kevin Dale 0010 Clark Philip F Jr 0035 Conklin James Pierce 0054 Cook Gale Abraham III * 0007 Damore Kathryn Mcgrath 0048 Dausen Michael Paul * 0002 Davis Andrea Karen 0018 Fuery Paul Daniel 0041 Galvao Jose Augusto 0050 Golden Rayfield Nathan 0023 Haley Andrew Robert 0009 Hicks Bryce Bailey 0053 Hill Timothy Michael 0044 Hilliard Adam Gregory 0028 Ho Eugene Kai Jung 0034 Kloepping Paul John * 0006 Lorge Matthew Moran 0024 Maldonado Daniel III 0019 Mannila Stephen James 0020 Mason Christopher Matt * 0003 Mcfarland Jay Tirrell 0040 Medici David Anthony 0032 Miller Travis Michael 0033 Morrison William Earl 0039 Nichollscarvajal Eduar 0046 Niven Brent Errol 0017 Nixon Edward Paul 0042 Notarnicola Paul Chris 0012 Odom David Freeman 0025 Odonnell John Patrick 0051 Palmer Brandon William 0043 Pennycooke Carlisle C 0029 Petty Jesse Paul 0022 Pfaff Jason Joseph 0011 Renken Renae Joyce 0014 Revitzer Jason Lewis 0049 Sirkin Sarah Stasko 0016 Sly Mary Elizabeth B 0045 Steffensmeier Jamie J * 0004 Stonecipher David Jose * 0001 Takanen Laura A 0021 Thornton Aaron Travis 0030 Tuddenham Michael S * 0005 Urech Anthony Carroll * 0008 Walls Remuis Deangelo 0027 Wang Xiao Y 0026 Yap Charmaine Roldan 0031 Chaplain Corps Adams Christopher A 0012 Coley Patricia Ann 0004 Daigle David A * 0003 Espinosa Ken Roger 0020 Fasnacht Robert Dale 0022 Foster Devon Hugh 0011 Fullerton Daniel J 0008 Gregory Jason Andrew 0013 Hampton Diane Marie 0024 Hazlett Gregory Robert 0017 Hogan James Phillip 0021 Kennedy Michael Shaun 0019 Kitzman Glen Daniel 0014 Mason Scott Patrick 0018 Mayer Joseph F 0010 Muehler Carl Benjamin 0005 Perry Jeffrey Alan * 0002 Robbins Arthur Jose II 0025 Rutan James Mark 0023 Settlemoir Jon E 0006 Stephens Jonathan D 0015 Weatherwax Jason David 0016 West Christopher James * 0001 Williams Buster Lee 0009 Williford James P Jr 0007 Civil Engineer Corps Angle Jon Arnold 0006 Beyer Bryan Joseph 0011 Bingham Trevor A 0004 Buechel Richard Edward 0020 Caponigro Michelle S 0019 Caudle Kimberly Marie 0005 Farrar Douglass G 0015 Frank John David * 0002 Gruber Marjorie J 0018 Hess Heather Marie * 0001 Keesee Cody Wayne 0022 Knotts Douglas H 0017 Lewis Joshua Mark 0023 Mcdowell Christopher J 0012 Morrissey Nigel Todd 0016 Moyer Andrew Gerald 0014 Mutyala Rama Kiran 0010 Ray Jason Robert 0007 Takach Andrew Michael * 0003 Talley Shawn Eric 0009 Torgesen Russell Brent 0008 Widhalm Christopher J 0021 Wright Shannon Lovonne 0013 5. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//

This entry was posted in promotion, Promotion Boards and tagged promotion, promotion boards.

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    LT David Frey said:
    November 30, 2021 at 11:44

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    FY22 Staff Corps O5 Promotion Board Results (2024)


    How long does it take for army promotion board results? ›

    The processing of results is constrained further by policy to ensure the integrity of the well established board process, and protect the rights of individuals and their military status under the Constitution. In general the process, from board recess to release of the results, is approximately four (4) months.

    How long does it take to make O5 in the Navy? ›

    10 U.S. Code § 619: The minimum time-in-grade (TIG) requirements for promotion of officers on the active-duty list (ADL) are as follows: O1: 18 months. O2: 2 years. O3 through O5: 3 years.

    Where can I see the promotion date in the Navy? ›

    A monthly NAVADMIN message will be released the last week of each month announcing promotions that will be effective the first day of the following month. These messages can be viewed on the Navy Personnel Command website messages page.

    What is an O5 in the Navy? ›

    In the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force, these pay grades correspond to the ranks of major (O-4), lieutenant colonel (O-5), and colonel (O-6), and in the Navy, lieutenant commander, commander, and captain.

    How long does it take for the Army Review Board to make a decision? ›

    The Board reviews applications in the order in which they are received. Due to the number of applications already on hand and the complexity of many of the cases, it may be as long as 12 months or more before you receive notification of the decision on your request.

    Which branch promotes the fastest? ›

    Traditionally, among enlisted ranks, the Army and Marine Corps tend to promote the fastest in the early stages. In these two branches, members can often reach the rank of E-4 (Corporal in Marines, Specialist in Army) within a year or two of service.

    How long can you stay in the military as an O5? ›

    10 U.S. Code § 633: Mandates retirement for O5s not on a promotion list to O6 after 28 years of active commissioned service, except for certain officers in the Navy or Marine Corps who are either limited duty officers or permanent professors at the United States Naval Academy.

    How much does Army O5 rank pay? ›

    Paygrade O-5

    O-5 is the 5th officer paygrade in the United States military, with monthly basic pay ranging from $6,725.70 for an entry-level O-5 to $11,426.70 per month for O-5 personnel with over 40 years of experience.

    Can you turn down a promotion in the Navy? ›

    Can you refuse promotion in the military(US) like if someone didn't want to deal with things NCOs do? Yes you can and people at all levels sometimes do so for various reasons.

    How long is the average Navy promotion? ›

    Assuming you are not picked early for promotion, you typically promote every six years. You will become a Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) at approximately 6 years, a Commander (CDR) at 12 years, and a Captain (CAPT) at 18 years.

    Is it hard to get promoted in the Navy? ›

    Promotions beyond the E-4 pay grade are often more difficult to achieve. The number of service members allowed at each rank above E-4 is limited by Congress, so a service member cannot promote until there is a vacancy in the next rank.

    What is the retirement of an O5? ›

    Depending on years in service the typical O5 with 20-24 years in service can expect to receive a military retirement pension between $50,000 and $65,000 annually.

    How long does it take to get Army UA results? ›

    How Long Does It Take for the Unit to Receive Test Results? Negative results are usually posted on the web portal for program managers within 1-3 days of receiving specimens at the lab. Positive results are usually posted on the portal within 3-5 days of receiving specimens at the lab.

    How many times can you fail the Army promotion board? ›

    Officers who have twice failed of selection for promotion may be subject to mandatory separation, retirement, or removal from the Reserve Active-Status List unless they are continued (see paragraph 2007).

    What time does HRC release cutoff scores? ›

    Monthly cutoff scores are typically released around the 20th calendar day of each month. This is dependent on how the calendar falls around weekends and holidays. Sometimes the Army cutoff scores can be released later due to internal delays within HRC.

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    Author: Neely Ledner

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    Views: 5618

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

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    Author information

    Name: Neely Ledner

    Birthday: 1998-06-09

    Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

    Phone: +2433516856029

    Job: Central Legal Facilitator

    Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

    Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.