FREE Printable Cleaning Checklist for Your Kitchen (2024)

Keeping my kitchen clean is both easy and cost-efficient.

Here’s how I make it happen:

  • I tackle spills right away to prevent stains and odors.
  • After cooking, I swiftly wipe down surfaces to keep them looking fresh.
  • I use a homemade all-purpose cleaner to save money and reduce chemicals.
  • I organize my pantry regularly to avoid clutter and waste.
  • A quick daily sweep keeps my floors free from crumbs and debris.

To maintain a clean kitchen efficiently, I start by addressing spills and messes as soon as they occur. I keep a cloth and my homemade all-purpose cleaner within easy reach so I can quickly wipe down any area. After cooking, I clear off the countertops and stovetop to ensure no food residue is left behind.

I also make it a habit to go through my pantry frequently to clear out anything that’s expired or no longer needed, which helps to keep everything organized and tidy. Lastly, I sweep the floor every day – it’s a simple step that takes just a few minutes but makes a big difference in maintaining a clean space.

Our kitchens see the most use out of any room in the house, and they tend to take a messy beating between the hurried morning rush, the weeknight meals, and the large food-centric gatherings. With a little routine kitchen cleanup and daily upkeep habits, you can keep your kitchen clean, which makes the larger, more in-depth kitchen cleaning a tad less daunting. “I always say the key to a consistently clean kitchen is tackling those small messes before they become big ones,” advises Charlotte Stanton, a seasoned authority on home organization, emphasizing the importance of daily maintenance.

The key to sticking to a kitchen cleaning schedule is creating a detailed kitchen cleaning checklist that works for you. The following kitchen cleaning checklist and tips can get you started with your own kitchen cleaning schedule that will get you into the habit of following the cleaning routine that will make cleaning your kitchen quick and easy and make it look like you used a professional cleaning service.

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Table of Contents

  1. Here's how I make it happen:
  2. Daily Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
  3. My Weekly Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
  4. My Monthly Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

Cleaning Checklist for My Kitchen – Cleaning Tips

As you start to establish your cleaning routine, keep these simple tricks and tips in mind to make your cleaning tasks more straightforward to achieve. Commit to your kitchen cleaning routine with a printed cleaning checklist.

Having the visual presence of the kitchen duties you need to complete is a good reminder, and when you have something you can check off, it makes this chore feel more like an accomplishment.

My Quick Kitchen Speed-Cleaning Tips

  • Clean messes and spills as they happen and be thorough in your cleanup. Spilled juice that splashes across the kitchen counter and onto the floor can also find its way into other odd places around your kitchen. Make sure to open drawers and cabinets to thoroughly assess the full extent of the mess.
  • If you’re cooking and accidentally burn a pan, take care of cleaning scorched pots as soon as possible. This makes the job of washing much easier and you will have less trouble getting the pan clean.
  • For quick and efficient kitchen cleanup, keep a spray bottle of your favorite homemade or all-purpose cleaner handy.
  • Know the materials in your kitchen. The cleaning products that are suitable for laminate kitchen counters may damage quartz or granite. Use material-appropriate kitchen cleaners, so your kitchen surfaces will always look sparkling clean.
  • Keep a broom and dustpan near the kitchen so you can sweep up after meals and when you’ve finished cooking.
  • Get in the habit of putting things that don’t belong in the kitchen in their rightful places in your home.
  • Regularly purge your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to take out and throw away any expired food.

My Daily Cleaning Schedule

There are a few things that you can do daily to keep your kitchen clean and make your monthly chore of giving a deep clean to your kitchen much easier, and less time-consuming. When you can wipe away the day-to-day grime, the more thorough weekly and monthly cleaning aren’t as much of a chore.

Daily Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

  • After cooking, spray and wipe down the countertops and stove top. Clean up any splatters from the vent hoods as well.
  • Wipe up spills and sweep the floor.
  • Use a general-purpose cleaner to scrub the sink and wipe dry with paper towels.
  • Deal with the dishes. Unload the clean dishes from the dishwasher, hand wash any dishes in soapy water as soon as possible, and allow them to air dry.
  • Tidy up and put stray items away. Remove anything that doesn’t belong in the kitchen and put it in its proper place.

I Follow a Weekly Kitchen Cleaning Schedule

Every week you should set aside some time to take your daily house cleaning checklist a little deeper. Pick a time during the week to giving your kitchen a bit more of a deep clean. Establish a process and order that works best for you so that you can quickly get through this weekly cleaning checklist template like a champ.

My Weekly Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

  • Mop floors. If you have small children in your house, or a messy cook, this may have to be done more often. Use a floor cleaner that is suitable for the types of floors that you have, and don’t add too much to the water to avoid buildup of detergent. For linoleum, the best way to deep clean linoleum flooring is to use a cleaner that includes vinegar. It will cut through grease and other stains with ease and will not leave streaks behind. Use the same type of cleaning solution to make bamboo floors shine as you do for your hardwood floors.
  • Clean the outside of all your large appliances, like the refrigerator and stove, as well as the small appliances on your counters, like the toaster oven and coffee maker. If you have stainless steel appliances, you know that cleaning stainless steel appliances requires a little special care to ensure that you don’t leave streaks or scratches on the surface. Make sure to use a reliable stainless steel cleaner to keep from developing streaks, smudges or leaving unsightly marks that deter from the shine.
  • Wipe down the refrigerator door, especially the handles, and remove any smudges that you might have on the inside. Sanitize a water dispenser and ice dispenser if you have them in the front of the fridge.
  • Toss any leftovers from the refrigerator and anything that is past the expiration date.
  • Scour and polish the kitchen sink. You may need to tackle the best way to clean a kitchen sink drain at the same time to remove odors and get rid of leftover food debris. Make sure to take care of the seams and crevices of the sink where gunk loves to hide, too. Once you’ve cleaned the sink, hit the faucets with a bit of white vinegar to clean and disinfect.
  • Spot-clean the kitchen cabinets to remove smudges and fingerprints. Get grease off kitchen cabinets if you notice any spots. A vinegar and water solution does the trick nicely. Pay close attention to the drawers and doors that are used more frequently. Make sure you also clean the cabinet boxes and the interior of the drawers.
  • Toss dishcloths and towels into the wash.
  • Briefly check the pantry or other food locations to ensure you don’t have any bugs. Kill pantry moths with a homemade spray if you find any and wipe down all shelves.

Monthly Kitchen Cleaning Schedule I Use

When you submit to a daily and weekly cleaning routine, monthly deep cleaning of the kitchen will take no time at all. This is the time that you should turn your attention to the places miss most of the daily grime, but can still benefit from occasional cleaning. Use the printable checklist to guide you on your monthly kitchen cleaning endeavor.

My Monthly Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

  • Wipe down the inside walls of your cabinets and drawers, and thoroughly clean the front of the doors and handles.
  • Clean ovens. If you have a self-cleaning oven, just set the controls and let it do its thing. If you don’t have an oven that cleans itself, then you’ll have to get down and dirty and clean it from the top of the stove to the bottom and everything in between. One of the best recipes you’ll find is for a baking soda and vinegar based oven cleaner. This almost magic solution will get the interior of your oven back to virtually showroom condition in no time. To clean your oven rack, take it out and set it on an old towel in the bathtub. You can apply a cleaner and scrub and rinse it easier in the larger space.
  • Remove the mat from the bottom of the oven (if you have one) and clean your oven mat well to remove burned-on food and eliminate grease stains.
  • Take the coffee maker apart and clean the parts in hot soapy water.
  • Clean the inside of your dishwasher. Look around the seal and wipe away any debris and grime with paper towels and get rid of any water deposits.
  • Clean the kitchen sink drain and garbage disposal and use drain cleaners made from hot water, baking soda, and vinegar.
  • Clean and sanitize the trash can and recycling receptacles. This may need to be done more often if they become smelly or if a nasty spill happens.
  • Deep clean the inside of your refrigerator. Take everything out, remove the shelves and drawers and place them in a sink full of warm soapy water. Take a damp cloth and wipe down the inside of the refrigerator.
  • Ensure that you clean kitchen cabinets by dusting the tops of your cabinets and refrigerator with a microfiber cloth. Wipe down the light fixtures and light bulbs during this time. This is also an excellent time to dust any ceiling fans in the room.
  • Deep clean the freezer. Break up any frost that has formed, clean out the ice machine and ice bin, and get rid of any food that is past its prime.
  • Pull your refrigerator out from the wall and clean the dust from the refrigerator coils. This is an easy clean but be sure to take extra care in cleaning fridge coils. A light sweep with a feather duster along the coils removes dust and other debris that you can then either sweep from beneath the refrigerator or use a vacuum to suck up.
  • Clean the microwave inside and out. Wipe down any food debris that is inside the microwave, and use a glass cleaner to clean the door. If you have hard to clean gunk inside the microwave, you can create a steam cleaner using water and vinegar. Just put equal parts in a bowl and place it in the microwave. Turn the microwave on for a few minutes. Leave the door closed for a little while then wipe the gunk away with a sponge.
  • Wash walls around the stove with some dish soap and a damp cloth to clean grease off kitchen walls in this susceptible area. Particularly greasy areas may need a cleanser containing vinegar to cut through the oil and eliminate it completely.
  • Even though it’s outside, don’t forget about cleaning your barbeque grill! During grilling season, your grill will probably need to be cleaned weekly, depending on how often you use it. At other times, a monthly treatment is probably all that is necessary. How to clean a stainless steel grill is similar to how you clean a stainless steel stove. Ensure that your grill is always ready to prepare a delicious outdoor meal. If you have a cast iron grill, it’s not only important to clean it each time you use it, but ensure that you know the proper way for how to season a cast iron grill, too. This guarantees its longevity and that it will be ready for your next grilling session.

Spring Cleaning Checklist for My Kitchen

If you haven’t kept up on your daily, weekly, or monthly checklists, then your kitchen might require some spring cleaning. If you’ve stayed on top of your cleaning throughout the year, this yearly, or semi-yearly, cleaning checklist will be a breeze to accomplish.

Schedule for Spring Cleaning My Kitchen

  • Start with your kitchen drawers. Pull everything out, and sort through your kitchen utensils and decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to throw out. Wipe down the inside of the drawers, and replace any drawer liners that have seen better days. Wipe down the drawer organizers, then put everything back neatly. Wipe down the drawer fronts and handles.
  • Deep clean your cabinets. Pull everything out and again sort the items in to keep, donate, and trash. Wipe down the shelves and the inside walls of the cabinets. Clean any shelf organizers. Place all the items back neatly. Wipe down the front of the cabinets, handles, and glass doors if you have them.
  • Clean and organize your pantry. Pull all of the items out and get rid of any old, expired, stale, or inedible food. Donate any unopened, non-perishable food that you don’t want. Transfer any open items to containers or jars. Wipe down pantry shelves, clean any organizers, and replace the items neatly.
  • Thoroughly clean your countertops and remove and empty the utensil jar and sort, clean, and replace utensils as necessary. Wipe down your small countertop appliances. Remove items from the counter and wipe down the tops and backsplash.
  • Wipe stools, tables, chairs, and the island. Wash the windows and clean the windowsills, and wipe down the switch plates, walls, doors, and knobs. Vacuum the dust from the vent covers. Wash the window screens and reinstall them.
  • Take care of cleaning luxury vinyl plank flooring or other flooring in your kitchen area. Dry mop or sweep carefully and check for stains and greasy spots so that you can clean them right away.
  • Get your canning equipment ready for the summer season. Make sure you have everything you need and clean your canning supplies at least once before you need them so that they are rid of stains and gunk that may have accumulated over the winter. Of course, you must sterilize the equipment immediately prior to use, but if the items have been cleaned before, there is less of a chance of contamination.

Your kitchen is most likely the center of your house, where your friends and family gather for good food and good memories. Keeping it clean can be a tiring journey, but with these simple to follow checklists you can quickly move through this cleaning checklist and enjoy a clean kitchen daily. The most used room in the house deserves some respect, and to keep it warm and inviting, you need to do your part to keep it clean.

FREE Printable Cleaning Checklist for Your Kitchen (3)

We hope you enjoyed learning about how to keep your kitchen clean throughout the year. If you found our kitchen cleaning checklists useful, please feel free to share these tips and tricks with your family and friends.

Free Printable Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

To help you remember all the many tasks you need to do on a daily, weekly, monthly, and periodic basis, use our free printable kitchen cleaning checklist.

>> Download and print our free PDF kitchen cleaning checklist here

FREE Printable Cleaning Checklist for Your Kitchen (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.