Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (2024)

The natural swimming poolhas made it across the pond at last. You can stop swimming in chemicals. Now, there’s a way to makeyour swimming pool look like it’s part of nature’s plan. Sure, there are saltwater and ion pools, and they are much better for you than the standard chemical ones – but both have some chlorine and/or other chemicals. The saltwater pool generates a natural chlorine, and with an ion-filtered pool you still need to add chemicals-albeit a much smaller amount.Butnatural swimming poolsclean themselves with plants (and occasionally with UV filters).Just pond plants. No chemicals. Ever. That’s as eco-friendly as it gets. And they look amazing.

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (1)


How Does a Natural Swimming Pool Work?

Anther pool filled with pond plants, called a regeneration zone, is built nearby.The poolwater enters and is cleaned by the plants and a gravel filter.This mimicsthe process aquatic plants use to clean ponds in nature. The result? Apool just ascleanas one that uses chemically filtered water.

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (2)

The natural swimming pool and the regeneration zone build a small ecosystem that changes over time. There is one hitch if your pool runs into your plants. You won’t be able to heat it above 80 degrees fahrenheit (27 Celsius) – because of the plants. There is a solution – a middle holding pond that cools down the water before sending it to the plants for purification. Depends on how warm you like your pool. And that would be solar heat, of course.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (3)

You can choose any range of designs. Gomodern and elegant, like the first two pools, or go right back to nature like this tropical swimming pond.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (4)


What are the Pros of a Natural Swimming Pool?

  • Much more flexible in design than standard pools.
  • Environmentally friendly and safe – no chemicals, ever.
  • Much less maintenance required: nochlorine, chemical filtration, or pH balancing.
  • Any climate is fine – if you experience winter, thenatural swimmingpool simply freezes over the way it does in nature.

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (5)


What are the Cons?

  • Your initial investment may be more for a natural swimming pool.
  • You will need more land area – the plants add additional space requirements.
  • Some people can’t get their heads around swimming in a non-traditional pool. But as long as you’re not one of them, this isn’t anissue.

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (6)

What About a Saltwater Pool or an Ionized Pool? Aren’t they chemical free?

Not quite. While better for you than a full-on chlorine pool, both of these systems still contain chemicals. The saltwater system uses a chlorine generator to turn the salt into chlorine. It’s a more natural process – but it’s still chlorine.

A copper ionization pool is another alternative and less harmful again than a full-on chlorine pool (but do your research if your pool is plaster). You’llstill need to add chlorine (or another such chemical), albeit in smaller amounts.The system just can’t do the complete job. Only mother nature can. And natural swimming pools.

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (7)

There’s no need to pollute the planet to have a pool – let the pond plants do your work for you, the natural way.And note how clean the water is.

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (8)

This natural swimming pondis in a Caribbean villa rental, if you’d like to try one out before you build it. Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (9)

This natural pond only has a small swimming area – the choice is entirely yours.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (10)

Your pond plants can be flowering water lilies. The part of your natural pool or pond reserved for swimming can be tile or cement, if it makes you feel better. That does cost more – the standard bottom is thick gauge pond lining with sand. Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (11)

This Olympic size pool shows just what is possible. The trend of natural swimming pools and ponds has been floating around Europe for some years but has just recently started to take hold in the US.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (12)

Even a small space can have a natural swimming pool or pond.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (13)

The wall that separates the regeneration zone from the swimming area is seen a couple of inches under water. When building a natural swimming pool,the pond area is usually no more than two feet deep.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (14)

Theswimming pool is separate from the plants. But it is filtered by them nonetheless. It has less of a natural look but some may prefer that. It also allows for higher water temperatures.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (15)

It’s quite stunning to see a sea of water lilies next to, and almost spilling into, such a modern pool setting.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (16)

A natural infinity pool on a mountain top in New Zealand uses tropical plants for its cleaning system.Source

Choose a Natural Swimming Pool or Pond: All Plants and No Chemicals (2024)


What is a natural pool without chemicals? ›

Instead of using chlorine, a natural pool uses aquatic plants, such as lilies and reeds, to replicate the way plants clean ponds in nature. As a result, the water is light and refreshing, without the irritation many get from salt, chlorine or other chemicals normally found in pools.

What do you call a natural swimming pool? ›

Whether you call them natural pools, eco pools, organic pools, pool-ponds, swimming ponds, swimming holes or NSP's (for short), our Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds are chemical-free, low-maintenance alternatives to traditional chlorine/salt pools.

Are natural swimming pools or ponds filtered organically? ›

Natural pools are also known as eco pools or organic pools because they use natural elements to keep the water clean and safe for swimming. With a natural pool, rocks and plants are used to keep the water healthy and free of bacteria and algae (rather than chlorine, UV sanitation, or a salt chlorinator).

What plants are good for natural pools? ›

Plants Used in Natural Swimming Pools

Some of the most commonly used plants in natural pools for temperate climates include water lilies, perennial grasses such as reeds like Sparganium or cattails, pond sedge and swamp hibiscus.

What is the healthiest pool water? ›

Ozone is 3,500 times faster at killing bacteria than chlorine making it one of the most powerful and effective sanitation systems on the market. If pool water is treated just with chlorine alone, at certain levels, it will take approximately 16 minutes for viruses to be killed.

Can you have a swimming pool without chemicals? ›

Some companies will market their pool products as “chemical-free,” but those companies are either misleading the consumer or they are unsafe. The fact is, it is impossible to maintain safe pool water without at least some low-level residual of chlorine or another sanitizer.

Are natural swimming pools healthy? ›

Will the plants in the water release any toxins that will affect my skin or eyes? Typically, no. Sensitivity to aquatic plants is not common. People who enjoy swimming in natural pools tend to experience less skin or eye irritation than they do in traditional pools with chemicals like chlorine.

How safe are natural pools? ›

Also, natural pools have an added benefit of not irritating skin or eyes because they do not require chemicals to clean the water, thus making it an excellent choice for someone that would like a pool but is sensitive to chemicals.

How long do natural pools last? ›

If built by a reputable natural swimming pool business and then properly maintained, a swimming pool should last you a lifetime.

Are natural pools hard to maintain? ›

Like their chlorinated counterparts, natural pools usually have filters that will need to be cleaned regularly. Unlike chlorinated pools, though, there's no need to add chlorine (obviously), and you won't have to vacuum since the natural elements in the pool are supposed to be there.

Why are natural pools so expensive? ›

Natural swimming pools will cost more on average than the price to put in a traditional pool due to their size, complex installation, and ongoing maintenance.

Can you put chlorine in a natural pool? ›

Natural pools are chemical-free. Rather than needing chlorine to maintain water quality, natural swimming pools rely on biological filters, plants, and moving water to keep the area safe for swimming.

How does a natural pool stay clean? ›

A natural pool is a swimming pool that uses plant life to maintain the water instead of chemicals. They use walls, filters, and plant life to keep the water clean.

What is the difference between a natural pool and a normal pool? ›

Overall, chemicals used to keep pools clean are not good for the human body. Natural swimming pools have zero chemicals. Instead, they mimic the human body by utilizing bacteria and microbes to stay clean and healthy.

Do natural pools have chlorine? ›

Natural pools are chemical-free. Rather than needing chlorine to maintain water quality, natural swimming pools rely on biological filters, plants, and moving water to keep the area safe for swimming. This protects you from harmful chemical exposure and saves you time and money.

What makes a natural pool? ›

Natural swimming pools use gravel stone and clay in place of concrete or fiberglass, and aquatic plants instead of harmful chemicals and complicated mechanical filtering systems.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.